
F-S Renaissance will host its Annual BooFest Halloween event on the downtown square.

Chili Cook-Off

The Rotary Club of Franklin will host a Chili Cook-Off on Saturday, October 26 at Jim Roberts Community Park.  To participate, please call Robin at 270.223.8092 or Lisa at 270.586.8999.  A public tasting will be held, from 11 am to 2 pm, for $5 a bowl. 24 rotary Participant Flyer Chili Cook-Off Final (1) (1) (1)

Franklin PD Trunk or Treat

The community is invited to attend the 1st annual Franklin Police Department Trunk or Treat Costume contest at 6 pm for kids 13 years or younger 24 Trunk or Treat FINAL Flyer

Christmas Open House

The Franklin Downtown Merchants invite you to shop downtown during its Christmas Open House

Safety & Self Defense Class

The Franklin Police Department will offer a free safety and self defense class for women 50 years and older on Saturday, November 9.  Individuals must reach out and fill out a waiver to reserve a spot in the class. The deadline to sign up is Friday, October 24.

Chamber Eye Opener hosted by Exit Realty

Please join us, from 7 am to 9 am, for the monthly Chamber networking event.  Enjoy coffee, refreshments and fellowship! Hosted by Exit Realty, located at 101 South Main Street  

Garden Club Vernal Pools

Vernal Pools: What, Why, and How A vernal pool is a shallow body of water that occurs in springtime, perfect for a yard or small property. Come hear wetland restoration expert, Thomas Biebighauser, talk about creating a wildlife habitat by establishing a vernal pool on your property. The event is sponsored by the Franklin-Simpson Garden […]

Dr. Martin Luther King Celebration

Franklin-Simpson Human Rights Commission Dr. Martin Luther King Celebration: Theme: Love: Hate Is Too Great A Burden to Bear" Date: January 20, 2025 Where: Frist United Methodist Church, College St, Franklin Ky 8am - Breakfast 9am - Breakfast Service - Minister Walter Kennedy (speaker) 9:45 - Assemble outside march to Greater Taylor Chapel 10:15am - […]

Chamber Eye Opener hosted by German American Bank

Please join us, from 7 am to 9 am, for the monthly Chamber networking event.  Enjoy coffee, refreshments and fellowship! Hosted by German American Bank, located at 1200 South Main Street

Ribbon Cutting at Dixon Grove Project

The Franklin Affordable Housing invites you to the Ribbon Cutting for its Dixon Grove housing project, located at 614, 616, 618 & 620 Orange Street.