The Gallery on the Square in Franklin, Ky presents the April Franklin Story Slam. April’s theme, Connections. If you want to just listen to stories, join us for a lively evening. If you want to be one in a long history of Kentucky storytellers, we can’t wait to hear from you. The rules: all stories must be true; must be five minutes or less; have a beginning, a middle and an end; and relate somehow to the night’s theme.
Comedian Charlie McCoin returns as emcee along with special guest storyteller Allen Dyer who closes the evening. The Franklin Story Slam is open to participants age 16 and older. Tickets are $3.00 per person and limited to eighty seats. All proceeds benefit the Gallery on the Square, 110 North Main Street, Franklin, 270-586-8055. Bring a friend or family member of a race or ethnicity different than your own and you both get in for half price!